Team leaders
Each team of volunteer camping hosts is led by a team leader who has overall responsibility for solving the tasks in the area.
For each team, 1 team leader is needed, who is part of the overall team in Caravan North and Caravan South respectively.
As a team leader, you are responsible for the operation of the team of camping hosts you are affiliated with and that your guards run as they should without any problems.
As a team leader, you report to Roskilde Festival's safety manager in your camping area. Together, you are responsible for solving the challenges, problems and questions that may arise as soon as possible. It is important that you solve your tasks so that everyone is satisfied.
Your tasks as a team leader are:
- to represent Roskildejob to the other volunteers on the team.
- to ensure that the volunteers who are on duty are also present on time - and that you contact them by telephone and register any sick leave and absences.
- to distribute the tasks on the team and ensure that all the volunteers rotate between the tasks on an ongoing basis.
- to order the necessary articles for the operation of the guard etc. in time.
- to step in and help with the tasks when time allows.
As a team leader, you are welcome to take a break on an equal footing with the other volunteers.
You register for a specific area
As a team leader, you are assigned to a specific area (Caravan North or Caravan South). You thus have all your shifts in the same area and ensure that the volunteer hosts have the things they need and that the shift runs as it should. You cannot switch shifts with other team leaders.
In the table below you can see when the different teams are on duty.
Waiting period | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Morning shift (07.00-15.00) |
Hold 1
Hold 2
Hold 3
Hold 4
Hold 5
Hold 6
Team 7
Hold 1
Hold 2
Evening watch (15.00-23.00) |
Hold 3
Hold 4
Hold 5
Hold 6
Team 7
Hold 1
Hold 2
Hold 3
Hold 4
10.00 – 17.00 |
Night watchman (23.00-07.00) |
Hold 5
Hold 6
Team 7
Hold 1
Hold 2
Hold 3
Hold 4
Hold 5
Registration and shift schedule
In the form below, you can see who is registered as team leader for the individual teams - and whether there is still a team leader missing.
If you have been a volunteer at the Roskilde Festival before, you must use your old login for People.
Click the sign up button next to the team you would like to be the team leader for. Here you get into Roskilde Festival's system for volunteers. Here you must - if you do not already have one - create a profile.
In the registration form you can write which team you want to be associated with. We will try our best to honor your wish, but we reserve the right to rotate team leaders so that the roster goes up as best as possible. If we move you to another team, you will be notified in good time as far as possible.
Hold 1
Saturday 28.6 08.30-15.00
Tuesday 1.7 22.30-07.00
Thursday 3.7 14.30-23.00
Saturday 5.7 06.30-15.00
Team leader
Hold 2
Sunday 29.6 06.30-15.00
Wednesday 2.7 22.30-07.00
Friday 4.7 14.30-23.00
Sunday 6.7 06.30-15.00
Team leader
Hold 3
Saturday 28.6 14.30-23.00
Monday 30.6 06.30-15.00
Thursday 3.7 22.30-07.00
Saturday 5.7 14.30-23.00
Team leader
Hold 4
Sunday 29.6 14.30-23.00
Tuesday 1.7 06.30-15.00
Friday 4.7 22.30-07.00
Sunday 6.7 10.00-17.00
Team leader
Hold 5
Saturday 28.6 22.30-07.00
Monday 30.6 14.30-23.00
Wednesday 2.7 06.30-15.00
Saturday 5.7 22.30-07.00
Team leader
Hold 6
Sunday 30.6 22.30-07.00
Tuesday 2.7 14.30-23.00
Thursday 4.7 06.30-15.00
Team leader
Team 7
Monday 1.7 22.30-07.00
Wednesday 3.2 14.30-23.00
Friday 5.7 22.30-07.00
Team leader
Association leaders etc.